WorkshopIQ FAQs

Keep Track of Your Ideas Lessons Risks


WorkshopIQ introduces the concept of running workshops within your Jira Software instance. It is a new way to look at your Jira data (feedback, ideas, lessons, risks, etc.) with the goal of driving participation by presenting these concepts back to users in their everyday work.

Run a workshop, collect ideas, present them in targeted Jira Projects, and get everyone in on shaping the evolution of your work.

First and foremost, the WorkshopIQ home page allows users to view ALL workshops. Navigating into a workshop presents all the data within that particular workshop, and provides users with quick and easy filtering and searching capabilities.

Enabling the presentation on execution Projects means that your teams will be able to see the best matching workshop items in their own Jira Project via the WorkshopIQ panel.

Please send any correspondence to – we love hearing from our user base and believe that you are our greatest source of inspiration. We built this product for you, and your voice matters when it comes to shaping how we evolve it.

Using WorkshopIQ

No, not at all. Workshops can be used as ongoing or time-boxed events dependent on the use case. We built this product with the goal of collecting and interacting with idea/lesson repositories and helping teams focus on continuous improvement, but have a place to go in order to do so.

Although continuous improvement is focused on these issue types, it need not be restrictive. In fact, we see use cases implemented where users leverage workshops to manage Risk Repositories and time-boxed brainstorming events.

Product discovery, Lessons Learned (PMO or project specific), Pain Points, and Feedback are all common issue types used.

WorkshopIQ will create 3 issue types when installed, namely:
    i. Lessons Learned
    ii. Ideas
    iii. Risks

There is no limitation to how you use the product and issue types – feel free to be creative and experiment. The engine of this product is Jira Software, so the same concepts apply from an issue type perspective. You can feel confident that the product is scalable and robust. Software, so the same concepts apply from an issue-type perspective. You can feel confident that the product is scalable and robust.

We have implemented a keyword-drive approach as a starting point (you can expect some progressive changes in this functionality). This means that we use a keyword matching approach that reviews the connected workshops and finds the best matching workshop entries, and presents those back to users.

Administering WorkshopIQ

There is no limitation to how you use the product and issue types – feel free to be creative and experiment. The engine of this product is Jira Software, so the same concepts apply from an issue-type perspective. You can feel confident that the product is
scalable and robust.

The WorkshopIQ panel is configurable at a Project level within Jira Software. Project Administrators can turn this on/off and control project specific configuration and usage.

Yes – the product is designed to be completely customizable for you. You can connect your Jira Software Project to none, 1, or many workshops.